It takes a village to raise a child...
Ulverley School has a responsibility for, and is committed to, safeguarding, ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and enabling them to have the best outcomes and requires that all staff, partners and volunteers share this commitment.
Our policy and practice are taken from Department for Education 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. Our most recent Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is available on our school website (policy section).
If you have any concerns about a child or young person, please contact one of Designated Safeguarding Leads [DSLs] as soon as possible or contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub [MASH] on 0121 788 4300 / 0121 605 6060 [Out of Hours]. Concerns about people working with children should be again dressed through the DSL or the Local Authority Designated Officer [LADO] on 0121 788 4310.
For further information about Solihull local authority's safeguarding processes and procedures please view the website below:
Our DSLs are:
Please either speak to or email our DSLs with any concerns for the best interests of a child.
Mark Pratt -
Cheryl Bradley -
Karina Harris -
Kiren Bennet -
Safeguarding Governor
Jade Laing -