Ulverley School Curriculum
The curriculum is arranged into topics which reflect the needs and interests of our children, local surroundings and global impact. The aim is to give each objective a meaningful context in which to learn. We strive to ensure that the children receive a broad and balanced diet, whilst still focussing upon the key components of reading, writing and maths, meeting age related expectations, as well as mastering skills, knowledge and understanding at a deeper level, developing lifelong learning skills - curiosity, wonder, collaboration, organisation gaining essential life skills - problem solving, communication, critical thinking, decision making, organisation and leadership inspiring learners to achieve their dreams. The curriculum has been written with 6 key words at the forefront of every topic. These are: Inclusive, Experiential, Resilience, Progressive, Ethical and Adaptive.
We believe that if we are to create "a better future for our global community", then the core knowledge that children will need to develop can be represented through our EPIC themes of "Environment"; "Power", "Innovation" and "Community". Developing their understanding of the world around them through these themes will help children become an active part of this global community.
Throughout the curriculum we also seek to instil our basic, core values, which align beautifully with the British Values of:
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of differing Beliefs and Faiths
The curriculum is also used to help children explore their world and how to stay safe within it. This includes Personal, Social and Health Education, personal safety and E-Safety.
Children in Y3 are taught about water safety through their swimming lessons.
Discover our aspirations, processes and content. From subject specific details to homework; from trips to SEND, it's all here.
Curriculum Policies
Home Learning Strategy
Click here to find out more.
Maths Videos
Mastering Mastery
See how we teach children to add, subtract, multiply and divide with these short helpful videos.