Head Teacher's Welcome
At Ulverley, we want all of our children to learn in order to live full and enriched lives. We want to allow them to contribute positively to a better future for our global community.
We are proud to be a part of the Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust. Our staff, governors, parents, carers, trustees and broader stakeholders collaborate closely to ensure that each child can take full advantage of every opportunity to be the best that they can be, moving on to their next phase proud of their broad range of knowledge, understanding and achievements.
We believe that the true role of education is to develop both intellect and character. Our EPIC curriculum provides challenges and insights for a world into which our children are headed and one where they can contribute meaningfully. Evidence-informed practice provides a common understanding, allowing us to become “master teachers”, adapting strategies for their maximum impact. In return, we expect all of the children to be fully prepared, taking an active role in their learning, supporting others with respect and appreciation and being positive role models for others, as laid out in our Teamship Rules.
I hope that you find our website informative, but do please come and visit us so that you can fully appreciate who we are and what we offer.
Inspiration. Achievement. Community.
Mark Pratt
Head Teacher