It is in everyone’s interest that concerns are resolved at the earliest possible stage, before they become formal complaints. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to invoke formal procedures.
The School encourages anyone with a concern to address it informally by contacting the School office or by raising it with their child’s class teacher, or their manager, in the first instance. We hope that they will either be able to address the concern on the spot, or they will be able to arrange to discuss it further at a mutually convenient time. The Head Teacher and Chair of the Local Governing Body/Advisory Board will not routinely be involved in resolving informal concerns but, in exceptional circumstances, appointments can be made with them by contacting the School. It will be for the Head Teacher and/or Chair of the Local Governing Body/Advisory Board, to determine if the circumstances are exceptional and if it is therefore appropriate for them to become involved at the informal stage.
Complaints Policy